Meeting was virtual via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May at 19:36.
Attendees: 0 guests, 11 members: Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Ken Douglass (KY4KD), John Wulf (K4FT), Mike May (KF4FMQ), , Peter Rock (KJ4ND), Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Harold Miller (AF6MB), Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL), Ray Whitehouse(KY4RW), Russell Chaney (KN4OHD), Andy Rose (KI6SEP)

Previous meeting was August 25, 2020. Motion by Chris to accept Minutes of that meeting as published, Dennis 2nd, passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report. (Note: numbers were not discussed during meeting due to security concerns and were provided separately after the meeting)

 Live potted plant in memory of Ken Whitehouse
 Ending/Current balance

Activities Report:
 (upcoming) Monthly coffee Zoom: Friday, October 2, 9 A.M.
 September 7, 2020 TALARC D-STAR Net: Record number of check-ins: 47 check ins from 14 States, 2 Canadian Provinces. (See appendix for details.) Ken attributes this record to the email reminders he sent out.
 Next TALARC D-STAR: Monday, October 7
 John received 20-20 Plaque in mail for Kentucky QSO Party
 Ray Whitehouse: Kentucky D-Star net has very good participation. Sweet spot is between 40~60. When more, the net gest too long and people both drop off as well as are less likely to attend again.
 Thursday night American Legion XRF757A. This connection is being provided just for us, Post 46, so we’d like good participation.

Old Business:
Many members still need to pay dues! Post paid us already and therefore they are operating at a deficit until we get our dues to them.
Club/Post membership renewal:  Ken
 Change: pay all Dues by check, not by cash – nothing in person/minimal personal contact.
o Make checks out to “American Legion Post 46”
o Associate member dues are $30.
o Legion Sons are $20.
o If a member is unsure of proper payment, contact Ken.
o Annual dues cover January 2021 through December 2021.
 Mail checks to Ken: (mailing address also on QRZ)
Kenneth A Douglass
108 Chandler Dr
Danville, KY 40422
 Please remember to send check to Ken!

Looking for people to make presentations at future meetings: please contact Mike if you would like to present or have suggestions of topics.
Doug Collins (in attendance) recovering nicely from 6 heart bypasses last month.
Zoom’s policy change of requiring password to access meeting caused no problems for this meeting, the first with the new policy: appears password was contained within the link provided to all of us.

New Business
Post open again. Main room repainted. Ozone machine is run every night. Kitchen completely redone.

Ken Whitehouse is now a Silent Key as a result of complications due to COVID. Separate emails have been sent regarding services and interment.

December 29th is the 60th anniversary of the Club: do we want to have a Special Event? Should we use our Club call sign, or apply for a special event call? Discussion regarding conflicts with holidays, be nicer if we can do it in person, etc. Side question: how many of the founding members are still alive? Conclusion: put it off until next year, after the holidays.

Net Control Larry (NN4H) of the Kentucky D-Star Net called Ken Douglass: Net participants want to make contributions to Club in memory of Ken Whitehouse. Ken had the first D-Star in Kentucky and was a major mover in spreading D-Star through Kentucky. Ray said: his dad would not a plaque, placing into our treasury would be OK. However, since Ken was
such a proponent of D-Star in Kentucky, it would also be a nice idea to donate to the cost of operating the 056 reflector. ($20 per month/$250 year)
 Motion by Dennis: Club pays for 056 reflectors one year, Chris 2nd. Donations will offset any differences. Pass by
 Motion by Harold: any money received covering more than one year will be used to pay additional years/fraction of year. Peter 2nd. Pass acclimation.
 WRARC members who are interested are encouraged to donate in Ken’s memory to the Club. Make checks out to Club indicating donation in Ken’s memory and mail to Ken Douglass (address above).

VE Testing:
 October 24 session is on: Post is open & 6 hams who are Extras have committed to be there to support.
 Pre-registration is required with John Wulf, K4FT, Phone: (563)-505-0339
 Masks are required.
 Start at 10 AM.
 Zoom meeting October 16 for Examiners & support people to finalize details such as administering test,
sanitizing tables, etc.
Club Elections in November. Anybody who is interested in serving as an officer should contact any of the existing officers.

Motion to Adjourn by Chris, 2nd by Peter; Adjourned at 2034. No program after meeting.