The purpose of the Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club (WRARC or Club) is to secure for its members the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio. It shall further be the purpose of the Club to facilitate the exchange of information and general cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to conduct Club programs and activities to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the general community. The Club through appointed committees shall provide technical advice to members and training for prospective members. These By-Laws constitute our governing laws in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of WRARC.

SECTION 1. All persons interested in Amateur Radio (individuals interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest) shall be eligible for membership. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary. In the case of any applicant whose character, reputation or conduct might make him/her an undesirable member, the Secretary shall refer the application to the Board of Directors for review; in all other cases, the Secretary shall have the authority to grant membership. All applicants shall agree to abide by the Club By-Laws. Payment of dues is a requirement for membership in the Club.

SECTION 2. Members of WRARC may resign from the Club at any time upon written notice. All dues and any Club property in the possession of the member will remain the property of WRARC.

SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of five members, one of which shall be the current President of WRARC. The other four Directors shall be elected from the Club membership. Officers of the Club other than the President cannot serve as Directors during their term of office.

SECTION 2. The Board of Directors shall serve the following terms:
President While in office
Directors 2 years

The election of Directors will be held in November of each year during the same Club meeting when Club officers are elected. Two Directors will be elected each year for a term of two years from the slate of candidates prepared by the then current Board of Directors. The new Directors will take office January 1 following election. All Directors are eligible for reelection.

SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall have a broad overview of the operation of the Club. They shall make sure that the current elected officers and all members follow these By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation and other rules as may be enacted by the Club.

SECTION 2. If it is necessary for a member expulsion from the Club, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to take this action.

SECTION 3. A member of the Board of Directors may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the membership.

Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Activities Manager. The President shall become Vice-President upon expiration of his/her term as President, unless there is a nomination from the members.

Section 2.The officers of the Club shall be elected for a term of one year by ballot of the members present, provided there is a quorum, at the regular Club meeting in November.

SECTION 3. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special ballot at the first regular meeting at which the withdrawal or resignation is announced.

SECTION 4. Officers may be removed on motion by a three-fourths vote of the membership.

SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and conduct the same according to the rules adopted; enforce due observance of these By-Laws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents that are adopted by the Club, and none other, and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of President. The President shall designate any special committees deemed necessary to carry out the interests of the Club.

SECTION 2. The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the latter.

SECTION 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit applications for membership, carry on all correspondence, and read communications at each meeting. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the By-Laws of the Club and have the same at every regular and special meeting. He/she shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted upon request. The Secretary shall, at the expiration of his/her term, turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the Club to his/her successor.

SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall receive and have receipt for all monies paid to the Club, and shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended. He/she shall pay no bills without proper authorization (by the Club or its officers constituting a business committee). The Treasurer’s records of receipts and disbursements shall be available for review at any regular meeting. The Treasurer shall, at the expiration of his/her term, turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the Club to his/her successor.

SECTION 5. The Activities Manager shall plan radio station activities, recommend contests for operating benefit, and advance the general Club interest and activity as may be approved by the Club.
He/she shall maintain close liaison with the ARRL Emergency Coordinator or Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) representative to further the fullest possible Club participation in emergency participation in emergency activities. The Activities Manager shall keep informed by questionnaires or other means of equipment, normal operating frequencies and hours, and type of operation of such members who possess station equipment to facilitate emergency organization, and to help in planning general interest activities to the Club and to the elected Section communications official of the ARRL; all these things to make the reputation of the Club and Amateur Radio activities in the community as outstanding as possible. The Activities Manager may appoint traffic committees or assistants to aid in specific branches of activity.

SECTION 1. Members of WRARC shall abide by these Club By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation and other rules as may be enacted by the Club.

SECTION 2. All members of the Club shall abide by FCC regulations while utilizing amateur radio frequencies; for example, use proper identification, abide by all rules regarding appropriate subject matter and language, and extend common courtesies to other amateur operators at all times.

SECTION 3. Members of WRARC shall not conduct any activities, solicitations, or make announcements in the name of WRARC without the express approval of the Club.

SECTION 1. Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of each calendar month at such time and place as the President shall order. Twenty percent (one fifth) of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in a regular meeting.

SECTION 2. The President or the Board of Directors may call special meetings. All members shall be notified of the time and place of the special meetings and of the business to be transacted. Only such business as is designated in said notification should be transacted at such special meetings. One fifth of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in a special meeting.

SECTION 1. WRARC by majority vote may levy upon the membership such assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objectives as set forth in the Purpose of these By-Laws. Non-payment of such dues, assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the Club within the discretion of the membership.

SECTION 2. Dues are payable to the Club or the American Legion as outlined in the Memoranda of Agreement dated 3/22/2017. Dues are due on July 1 and shall cover Club membership from January 1 to December 31 of the next calendar year, in accordance with the provision of Article VIII, Section 1 of these By-Laws for the purpose of providing funds for the operation of the Club.

SECTION 1. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the Club. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and may not be voted on until the next regular meeting, at which a two-thirds majority of the Club is present and voting.

SECTION 1. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern proceedings of WRARC.

These amended By-Laws were approved by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of WRARC on the 24th day of April and became effective on the 24th day of April, 2018, and replace any previously enacted By-Laws.

Mike May
President (2018)
Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club