On December 29, 1960 a meeting was held at the Naval Reserve Electronics Facility on Beatty Ave in Danville for the purpose of determining a need for a “Ham Club” for Danville and surrounding counties. Seventeen people attended. A motion was made and carried that the amateur radio club be organized for radio amateurs and radio enthusiasits located in the Boyle County and adjourning counties area. It was also decided that the meetings be held on the first Tuesday of every month. Bill Tooley, K4QFE was elected President. Dues would be $1.00 a year. Charter members included the following people:

Kenneth Hopkins, K4GOV, Paul Gudgel, K4KIS, Chief Bill Roberts, K4NAZ, Arthur Jester, K4PNA, W.O. Tooley, K4QFE, W.C. Alcock, W4CDA, Lloyd Harmon, Jack Guerrant, Jim Anderson, K4SBA, Paul Nutgrass, K4GXF, Bob Webb, KN4NYO, Mike Brock, KN4SXC, Nimrod (Buzz) Buster, K4TVC, Arthur Bradley, K4YZV, Jeffrey Veatch, KN4AZK, John Finnell, KN4DAG, and George Graves, KN4NNT.

Thank you Sharon and George Griebe for providing the above information