Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club (WRARC)
Hybrid meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)

Meeting called to order by President Mike May (KF4FMQ) at 1931 hours EST.

Attendees: 13 attending members of 46 total:

Bill Waldschmidt (W9WA), Chris McCollough (KI4WKM), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Gene Klaus (KO4IVI), Harold Miller (AF6MB), Joel Habersman (KU4KD), John Wulf (K4FT), Ken Douglas (KY4KD), Mike May (KF4FMQ), Rick Flynn (KO4UHE), Ron Malinowski (WX4GPS), Tony Cromwell (KB4TC).

Previous meeting was 25 Oct 2022. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via email) by Harold (AF6MB), 2nd by Bill (W9WA). Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report:

$ Starting balance.

$ Ending balance.

Repeater Dues are payable in December for $35.

Past Activities Report:

  • Previous Weekly WRARC OTA club net was conducted each Wednesday evening at 2000L on the club’s 2m Repeater.
  • Previous WRARC hybrid Coffee Social was on Friday, 4 Nov 2022 (1st Friday of month).
  • Previous TALARC Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) was conducted on 7 Nov 2022.
  • Previous Club Activity was WAE RTTY DX on 12 Nov 2022, 0800Z to 1200Z (1300L to 1700L).
  • Previous WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting was on Tuesday, 25 Oct 2022 (4th Tuesday of month).
  • An After Meeting video presentation on the operation of the ICOM 7300 was given by Mike (KF4FMQ).

Old Business from 25 October 2022 meeting

  • REMINDER: WRARC Club Dues. Annual club dues for 2023 are now being accepted.
  • REMINDER: ARRL Membership. American Radio Relay League (ARRL) membership info needed in order to maintain our ‘active’ status as an affiliated ARRL club.
  • W4CDA Awards Discussion. A motion was approved to cover the minimal cost for framing of W4CDA awards on Log Book of the World.
  • WRARC ELECTIONS. Club elections are in November for Club Officers.
  • BOURBON CHASE. Bourbon Chase after action report presentation was given by Andy (KI6SEP).

New Business

  • REMINDER: WRARC Club Dues. Annual club dues for 2023 are now being accepted.
    • Full Legion members are $30 and can be paid online with a credit card at www.legion.org and click on “Renew”.
    • Sons of the American Legion are $20 and can be paid by check.
    • Legion Associate members are $30 and can be paid by check.
    • All checks should be made out to “The American Legion Post 46” and mailed to Ken Douglass, 108 Chandler Drive, Danville, KY 40422.
  • REMINDER: ARRL Membership. Ken (KY4KD) also needs to know which WRARC members are also members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) in order to maintain our ‘active’ status as an affiliated ARRL club. So PLEASE CONTACT KEN AND LET HIM KNOW WHETHER YOU ARE A MEMBER OF ARRL OR NOT. Ken has to turn-in the report to ARRL in November so it is very important that you get in touch with him.
  • WRARC ELECTIONS. Club elections were held for Club Officers and 2 Directors. 20% required for quorum to hold elections, 44 active members to date. (9 members in attendance required)

Dennis (K3KZU) made a motion to retain all current officers and the two directors who are all up for re-election. 2nd by Harold (AF6MB). Passed by acclamation.

President: Mike May (KF4FMQ)

Vice-President: Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL)

Secretary: Rick Flynn (KO4UHE)

Treasurer: Ken Douglas (KY4KD)

Activities Manager: Peter Rock (KJ4BD)

Director1: Bill Waldschmidt (W9WA)

Director2: Doug Collins (KA4SWT)

  • COURTESY RESOLUTION. Motion was made to commend Ken (KY4KD) for his years of faithfulness & support of the club. 2nd by Rick (KO4UHE). Passed by acclamation.
  • THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER. Tony (KB4TC) remaindered everyone that the American Legion Post 46 will have a free Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day at 2:00 pm.

Future Activities:

  • Next weekly WRARC OTA club net is each Wednesday evening at 2000L on the club’s 2m Repeater: 145.310 MHz with -600 kHz offset and Split PL Code 100 Hz (i.e. 100 Hz on both Tx CTCSS & Rx CTCSS).
  • Next WRARC hybrid Coffee Social is on Friday, 2 Dec 2022 (1st Friday of month) at 0900L via ZOOM.
  • Next TALARC Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) is on 5 Dec 2022.
  • Next Club Activity is a Simplex Check-In Test on 10 Dec 2022 (1300L to 1700L).
  • Next WRARC monthly club meeting is on Tuesday, 27 Dec 2022 (4th Tuesday of month) at 1930L via ZOOM. This will not be a hybrid meeting.
  • Next VEC Testing: Tentative date (be to confirmed) is Saturday, 28 JANUARY 2023 starting at 1000L at The American Legion Post 46 building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville, KY. See http://www.wrarc.com/ve-testing/ for details. Pre-registration is requested.

Adjournment. Motion to Adjourn by Dennis (K3KZU), 2nd by Tony (KB4TC); Passed by acclimation. Adjourned at 1951 hours.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Mike May (KF4FMQ)

After-meeting Presentation:

An After Meeting video presentation on the operation of the ICOM 7300 was given by Mike (KF4FMQ).