Minutes of May 25, 2021 Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club
Monthly Meeting
Meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May at 1940 (Delayed due to Andy’s computer misbehaving!
– sorry)

Attendees: 12 members;
 Members: Ken Douglass (KY4KD), Peter Rock (KJ4ND), John Wulf (K4FT), Mike May (KF4FMQ),
Gene Klaus (KO4IVI), Andy Rose (KI6SEP), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU) , Chris Galbreath
(KG4UQL), Larry Roberts (WE4LR), William Waldschmidt (W9WA), George Coomer (KM4QOY),
Harold Miller (AF6MB)
Previous meeting was April 27, 2021. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via email)
by Peter, 2nd by Chris. Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report.
 Starting balance.
 $75.00 Donation from Shell Stevens as thank you for repair/replacement of HF antenna.
 $17.50 Recycled
 Ending/current balance.

Activities Report:
 Completed:
o Monthly coffee via Zoom: Friday, May 7, 9 A.M.
o Monday, April 5, 2021 TALARC D-STAR Net: There were 40 total check-ins including Net
Control from 12 states, two Canadian Provinces and one from Trinidad and Tobago (See
appendix for details.)

 Upcoming:
o Next TALARC D-STAR: Monday, June 7. Remember you can check in via EchoLink from
your computer or smartphone to either node KY4RW-L or use EchoLink’s search mode on
o Monthly coffee via Zoom: Friday, June 4, 9 A.M.
o Kentucky QSO Party & Field Day will be discussed later in meeting.

Old Business:
 Work underway transferring responsibilities to other members from George Griebe who has
been doing this for years. o SERA (Southeastern Repeater Association). Membership cannot be transferred; Chris
will get a new membership that will activate when George’s runs out. Everything setup
& good to go. No new information.
 Discussion to purchasing inexpensive tablets for VE testing. No new discussions (Harold out of
town & unable to attend)
o May be able to put Linux on some computers donated by Bill. Harold will look into
these once he gets the computers. Limitation may be laptops are not touchscreen and a
signature is required.
o Harold believes with 20 testees, 3 signature entry machines with one spare would be
 Danville ham KL1SE (Shell Stevens) had antenna come down due to ice storm. Doug, Chris,
Mike, & Peter replaced the damaged antenna.

 Bourbon Chase Relay Race: Last month’s motion was
o First determine if we are wanted and if COVID rules allow us. Second, if positive
response, we conduct an email poll of members: if sufficient members commit to
participating, we then move ahead.
 “First clause of motion”: George Coomer attended 5/4, Tuesday’s Bourbon
Chase planning meeting and reported details to Club via email. A few highlights
 “it was productive and encouraging. In attendance were 2 Race
Directors from the Bourbon Chase (Ragnar), City Engineer, Chief of
Police, President of The Heart of Danville, Executive Director of The
Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Myself.”
 Yes, they do want our participation and feel that we add value.
 Exchange zone will be moved away from 4th towards 3rd & our Display
will be moved from bank.
 “Second clause of motion”: Given positive response, email was sent to all
members. Only 4 replied. We need around 20 members but only have 14.
(Assumption: all in attendance at April meeting are participating unless they
expressed otherwise.)
 Location of Display proposed by organizers has limited viewability and is not
preferred by us. Janie & Andy have scouted other locations in Weisiger Park,
and communicated to George.
 New location for display means re-do of planning.
(+) Plus: likely we have more time to perform setup;
(-) Minus: location is in direct sunlight making in very difficult to see for half of
race (based on 2019 times).
(-) Minus: very limit viewing area
Other areas in Park may be agreeable to organizers; several are much better &
avoid both these negatives. Best so far: screen to West of fountain facing East. o Need more sign-ups.
o Mike: Site evaluation of Weisiger Park should be soon. We will discuss this at our
monthly coffee on June 4th. Ideas for projector locations. Some radio testing: get people
at spotting and display locations with at least HTs to test communications. Perhaps with
external antennas.

 Looking for people to make presentations at future meetings: please contact Mike if you would
like to present or have suggestions of topics.

New Business
 Chris: prices will be going up on construction materials as time passes such as wood in July.
Would like approval to started spending. 2×4 have been donated and that helps reduce the
remaining costs;
o Post provided $1,200
o Motion by Ken to spent up to $1,300. Seconded by Dennis. Pass by acclimation.
o Gene: any idea on how much antennas & radio equipment will cost? Chris: list exists but is
very old &, therefore, obsolete. Example: some radios on the list are no longer made.
 Kentucky QSO Party Saturday, June 5.
o In Club room at Post for people who are vaccinated? Some people concerned, cited Post
member who was vaccinated yet passed away with COVID complications.
o This year, only one member can be using Club’s call.
o Consensus: operate from home.
 ARRL Field Day is 4th weekend of June, 4 days after our next meeting => long term planning
needs to start now.
o Allows Club score even if members running not at Club site.
 Next Monthly meeting: Tuesday June 22, 2021 at 1930, open forum at 1900.

Motion to Adjourn by Chris, 2nd by Gene; Passed by acclimation. Adjourned at 2044.
Minutes respectfully submitted
Andy Rose
WRARC Secretary