Monthly Meeting Minutes for 23 AUGUST 2022 – FINAL RECORD COPY
Hybrid meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May (KF4FMQ) at 1931 hours EDT.
Attendees: 12 attending members of 46 total:
Andy Rose (KI6SEP), Bill Waldschmidt (W9WA), David Sexton (AE4YM), Dennis Weiskircher
(K3KZU), Glenn Ferrell (KD4AXN), John Wulf (K4FT), Ken Douglas (KY4KD), Mike May (KF4FMQ),
Peter Rock (KJ4ND), Rick Flynn (KO4UHE), Tony Cromwell (KB4TC), Zenah Teater (KK4IYY).
Previous meeting was 26 July 2022. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via email)
by David (AE4YM), 2nd by Dennis (K3KZU). Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report:
$ Starting balance.
-$200.00 Purchased 5 band beam from Joel KU4KD
-$24.00 Purchased Stamps
$ Ending balance.

Past Activities Report:
o Previous VEC Testing was conducted Saturday, 23 Jul 2022 at The American Legion Post
o Previous weekly WRARC OTA club nets were conducted each Wednesday evening at
2000 hours EDT on the club’s 2m Repeater: 145.310 MHz with -600 kHz offset and Split
PL Code 100 Hz (i.e. 100 Hz on both CTCSS & Rx CTCSS).
o Previous TALARC Post 46 D-STAR NET was on Monday, 1 Aug 2022 (1st Monday of
month) at 2000 hours EDT on Reflector 056C.
o Previous WRARC hybrid Coffee Social was on Friday, 5 Aug 2022 (1
st Friday of month) at
0900 hours EDT at AJ’s Country Café and via ZOOM.
o Previous Club Activity was at 1400L, Saturday, 20 Aug 2022: NA QSO Party (1800Z)
utilizing ZOOM.
o Previous WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting was on Tuesday, 23 August 2022 (4
Tuesday of month) at 1930 hours EDT at The American Legion Post 46 and via ZOOM.

Old Business from 26 July 2022 meeting
o AMAZON SMILE PROGRAM. Detailed screen print instructions for how club members &
family can use the AMAZON SMILE program to help fund our club was sent out by the
club secretary on 2 July 2022. Hope everyone can use this because every little bit helps.
o KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS. Still working to get this established as another club
funding source.
o WRARC Facebook page. A redesigned WRARC Facebook page is now available. If you
use Facebook, search for “Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club, Danville, KY” to join.
The primary purpose of the WRARC Facebook page is to recruit new members from the
general public by (1) advertising the fact that the club exists and (2) by showing how
much fun amateur radio can be. The recruiting base is the general public, at large, but
particularly focused on local students, existing HAMs, and people wanting information
on Amateur Radio. Although WRARC club members are encouraged to post
entertaining / informative amateur radio info / activities, this Facebook page is not
intended for club members to use as a club communications method because it is not
secure & we have for our secure commo.
o Extra Building Keys. It is very important for us to get extra building keys to the club
room and American Legion Post.
o WRARC Club Dues. Annual club dues for 2023 are now being accepted.
▪ Full Legion members are $30 and can be paid online with a credit card at and click on “Renew”.
▪ Sons of the American Legion are $20 and can be paid by check.
▪ Legion Associate members are $30 and can be paid by check.
▪ All checks should be made out to “The American Legion Post 46” and mailed to
Ken Douglass, 108 Chandler Drive, Danville, KY 40422.
o ARRL Membership. Ken (KY4KD) also needs to know which WRARC members are also
members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) in order to maintain our ‘active’
status and an ARRL affiliated club. So please let him know whether you are an ARRL
member or not.
o Discussion of ICOM 7300 class / briefing / video. Since so many club members now own
an ICOM 7300, there is still general interest shown in developing a club briefing or
presentation or video on the functions and capabilities of the radio. Various methods
were discussed on how to make this happen.
o Net Control Rotation Discussion. Everyone should know how to conduct a net and act
as the net control station especially during emergencies. Therefore, members are asked
to volunteer to rotate the job of net control for both the club’s Wednesday night OTA
net and for the 1
st Monday of the month TALARC Post 46 net.
o Net Control Script dissemination. Whomever has a copy of the net control operators’
script & logging Excel spreadsheet, please send copies to the club secretary to type up /
clean up and he will send it out to all club members on email.
o New Club Treasurer. Ken (KY4KD) will not stand for re-election as club treasurer during
the next election cycle in November. Club members are urged to stand for election as
his replacement.
o Parks On The Air (POTA) discussion. Some interest was shown in activating a park as a
club activity using the club’s call sign. It was also pointed out that this activity might be a
matter of considerable interest to students and non-club members to visit and see what
HAM radio is all about. General POTA info at

New Business
o REMINDER: WRARC Club Dues. Annual club dues for 2023 are now being accepted.
▪ Full Legion members are $30 and can be paid online with a credit card at and click on “Renew”.
▪ Sons of the American Legion are $20 and can be paid by check.
▪ Legion Associate members are $30 and can be paid by check.
▪ All checks should be made out to “The American Legion Post 46” and mailed to
Ken Douglass, 108 Chandler Drive, Danville, KY 40422.
o REMINDER: ARRL Membership. Ken (KY4KD) also needs to know which WRARC
members are also members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) in order to
maintain our ‘active’ status as an affiliated ARRL club. So PLEASE CONTACT KEN AND
o Bourbon Chase Discussion. Occurs on 30 September 2022. See Andy’s emails
for details and coordination.
o 5 Element Beam. Joel’s (KU4KD) 5 element beam has been purchased and taken down
and is now in storage. It will later be put on top of the short tower at the American
o 50’ Tower & Hex Antenna for Sale. There is a crank up tower & Hex antenna for sale by
the spouse of a now SK member. If interested, contact Ken (KY4KD) for her contact

Future Activities:
o Next weekly WRARC OTA club net is each Wednesday evening at 2000 hours EDT on the
club’s 2m Repeater: 145.310 MHz with -600 kHz offset and Split PL Code 100 Hz (i.e. 100
Hz on both Tx CTCSS & Rx CTCSS).
o Next WRARC hybrid Coffee Social is on Friday, 2 September 2022 (1
st Friday of month) at
0900 hours EDT at AJ’s Country Café and via ZOOM.
o Next TALARC Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) is closed down until further
o Next Club Activity is four state QSO Parties; Iowa, Texas, New Jersey, & New Hampshire
on 17 Sep 2022 that start between 1400Z to 1600Z (1000L to 1200L) utilizing ZOOM. We
can take our pick of whichever is most active.
o Next WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting is on Tuesday, 27 September 2022 (4
Tuesday of month) at 1930 hours EDT at The American Legion Post 46 and via ZOOM.
o Next VEC Testing: On Saturday, 22 October 2022 starting at 1000 hours EDT at The
American Legion Post 46 building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville, KY. See for details. Pre-registration is required.

Adjournment. Motion to Adjourn by Dennis (K3KZU), 2
nd by David (AE4YM); Passed by acclimation.
Adjourned at 2030 hours EDT.
Minutes respectfully submitted,
Mike May (KF4FMQ)
After-meeting Presentation: none