Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club (WRARC)
Monthly Meeting Minutes for 24 JANUARY 2023 – FINAL RECORD COPY
Hybrid meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)

Meeting called to order by President Mike May (KF4FMQ) at 1933 hours EST.

Attendees: 12 attending members of 45 total:

Bill Waldschmidt (W9WA), Chris McCollough (KI4WKM), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Doug
Collins (KA4SWT), Gene Klaus (KO4IVI), Harold Miller (AF6MB), John Wulf (K4FT), Ken Douglas
(KY4KD), Mike May (KF4FMQ), Peter Rock (KJ4ND), Rick Flynn (KO4UHE), Tony Cromwell

Previous monthly meeting was 27 DEC 2022 & Special Business meeting was 01 JAN 2023. Motion to
accept Minutes of meetings as published (via email) by Peter (KJ4ND), 2nd by Dennis (K3KZU) & Ken
(KY4KD). Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report:
$ Starting balance.

$ Ending balance.

Past Activities Report:

o Previous Weekly WRARC OTA club net was conducted each Wednesday evening at
2000L on the club’s 2m Repeater.
o Previous WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting was on Tuesday, 27 DEC 2022 (4th
Tuesday of month).
o A Special Business Meeting was held on 01 JAN 2023 concerning financial management.
o Previous TALARC Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) was conducted on 2 JAN

  1. o Previous WRARC hybrid Coffee Social was on Friday, 6 JAN 2023 (1st Friday of month).
    o Previous Club Activity was NAQP Phone on 21 JAN 2023.
    Old Business
    o WRARC Club Dues. Status of club dues received & grace period before dropping.
    o Club Commo SOP. A suggestion was made for the club to develop a Commo SOP that
    would address commo between club members when our repeater is down. This would
    address the temporary use of other local / area repeaters in lieu of ours, local VHF/UHF
    simplex frequencies, and especially designated HF SSB frequencies.

    Old Business

    * WRARC Club Dues. Status of club dues received & grace period before dropping.
    * Club Commo SOP. A suggestion was made for the club to develop a Commo SOP that would address commo between club members when our repeater is down. This would address the temporary use of other local / area repeaters in Lieu of ours, local VHF/UHF simplex frequencies, and especially designated HF SSB frequencies.

    New Business

    o IN REMEMBRANCE OF JOEL HABERMAN (KU4KD). It is with reverence and respect that
    we note the passing of WRARC club member and friend Joel Haberman, KU4KD, on 19
    JAN 2023 at his residence in Florida where he recently relocated. The family has
    informed us that no services are to be held. They have also requested that any
    memoriam be sent to the WRARC in his honor.
    o RETURN OF FUNDS TO AL POST 46. $1200 was returned to Post 46 at their monthly
    meeting on 3 JAN 2023 per WRARC Special Meeting resolution of 1 JAN 2023.
    o WRARC Club Dues. 5 members have not yet paid dues & inactivity letter will be sent on
    or about 1 FEB 2023.
    o Club Commo SOP. Harold (AF6MB) will look into the possibility of developing a text /
    phone tree system for member notification.
    o Visit Canceled. The American Legion HQ President’s scheduled visit to Post 46 &
    WRARC’s radio room, which had been scheduled for Monday, 30 JAN 2023, has been
    canceled due to illness.
    o DX Spots app. Tony (KB4TC) recommended a free mobile phone app named “DX Spots”.
    o Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), University of Kentucky. Tony (KB4TC)
    presented a quick briefing on an educational program that WRARC members might be
    interested in. More info can be found at: https://www.uky.edu/olli/
    o The Bouvet Island DXpedition. Chris (KI4WKM) had previously sent out a groups.io
    message on this event and Tony (KB4TC) reminded everyone that this would be an
    exceptional QSO. More info at: https://www.3y0j.no/. Note that 3YOJ uses split
    frequency opns for TX & RX on SSB {30 kHz split} & CW {15kHz split} (see website tab
    ‘Operations’ for freqs).
    An interesting event taking place in a few days.
    The Bouvet Island DXpedition
    “The most remote uninhabited place on Earth”
    Most Wanted DXCC #2
    January 27, 2023 – February 16, 2023 (May change due to WX)
    CQ Zone: 38
    Grid Square: JD15
    Planned Modes: CW, SSB, Digital
    Planned Bands: 160 m, 80 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m
    Webpage: https://www.3y0j.no/
    GPS Tracker: https://share.garmin.com/3y0j

    Future Activities:

    o Next weekly WRARC OTA club net is each Wednesday evening at 2000L on the club’s 2m
    Repeater: 145.310 MHz with -600 kHz offset and Split PL Code 100 Hz (i.e. 100 Hz on
    both Tx CTCSS & Rx CTCSS).
    o Next WRARC Coffee Social is on Friday, 3 FEB 2023 (1st Friday of month) at 0900L via
    o Next TALARC Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) is on 6 FEB 2023.
    o Next monthly general meeting of The American Legion Post 46 will be at 1900 hours on
    Tuesday, 7 FEB 2023.
    o Next Club Activity is two state QSO parties (SC & NC) on 25 FEB 2023 at 1800Z (1300L to
    1700L). There is also a RTTY contest if there isn’t enough activity. Operations will be
    from the club site and also on ZOOM.
    o Next WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting is on Tuesday, 28 FEB 2023 (4th Tuesday of
    month) at 1930L at The American Legion Post 46 and via ZOOM.
    o Next VEC Testing: Saturday, 28 JAN 2023 starting at 1000L at The American Legion Post
    46 building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville, KY. See http://www.wrarc.com/ve-testing/ for
    details. Pre-registration is requested but not required.

    Adjournment. Motion to Adjourn by Harold (AF6MB), 2nd by Peter (KJ4ND); Passed by acclimation.
    Adjourned at 2010 hours EST.
    Minutes respectfully submitted,

    Mike May (KF4FMQ)

    After-meeting Presentation:
    An After Meeting video presentation on the operation of the ICOM 7300 will be given by Mike
    (KF4FMQ): HAM Cured Smoke, ICOM 7300, Episode 5, Section 9 Memory Channel operation, YouTube video by WA2IVD.