Meeting was virtual via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Again, thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May at 7:30.
Attendees: 2 guests, 13 members;
Guests: Gene Klaus (KO4IVI), Jamie Wright (KO4IVO);
Members: Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Ken Douglass (KY4KD), John Wulf (K4FT), Mike May (KF4FMQ), Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Harold Miller AF6MB), William Waldschmidt(W9WA), Russell Chaney (KN4OHD), Andy Rose (KI6SEP), Joel Haberman (KU4KD), Ron Malinowski (WX4GPS), Jerry Wilson (KO4EPK), David Jewett (KN4ZOA).
Welcome to our 2 guests: Gene Klaus (KO4IVI) of our Post – just received his Technician license, Jamie Wright (KO4IVO) – friend of Dennis.
Previous meeting was September 25, 2020. Motion by Dennis to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via email), 2nd by Harold, passed by acclimation.
Treasurer’s Report. (Note: numbers were not discussed during meeting due to security concerns and were provided separately after the meeting).
Starting balance
Cost of new checks
Donations in memory of Ken Whitehouse to support D-Star repeater REF056
Payment to Ray Whitehouse to support D-Star repeater REF056, enough to operate the D-Star repeater for more than 2 years.
Ending/Current balance.
Activities Report:
Completed: October 5, 2020 TALARC D-STAR Net: Another record number of check-ins: 57 check ins (increase of 10) from 14 States, 1 Canadian Province. (See appendix for details.) Ken attributes this record to the email reminders he sent out.
o American Legion 80m Net: 7 from Post 46, new record for us & 2nd only to Mississippi where the net is based.
o Next TALARC D-STAR: Monday, November 2. Remember you can check in via EchoLink from your computer or smartphone to node KY4RW-L or use EchoLink’s search mode on “Danville”.
o Monthly coffee via Zoom: Friday, November 6, 9 A.M.
Old Business:
Still some members still need to pay dues! Post paid us already and therefore they are operating at a deficit until we get our dues to them.
Club/Post membership renewal: Ken
WRARC Monthly Meeting 20201027 Minutes Version 1
Change: pay all Dues by check, not by cash – nothing in person/minimal personal contact.
o Make checks out to “American Legion Post 46”
o Associate member dues are $30.
o Legion Sons are $20.
o If a member is unsure of proper payment, contact Ken.
o Annual dues cover January 2021 through December 2021.
Mail checks to Ken: (mailing address also on QRZ)
Kenneth A Douglass
108 Chandler Dr
Danville, KY 40422
Please remember to send check to Ken!
VE Testing of October 24:
Jerry (KO4EPK): upgrade to General; Guests Gene (KO4IVI) & Jamie (KO4IVO): new Technicians.
The VE team consisted of Ron WX4GPS, Darrel AC4YD, Harold AF6MB, Chris KG4UQL, Bill W9WA and Doyle WD4HXE.
Great turnout! 23 signed up, 21 showed up, 19 earned a new license or upgrade: 13 Technicians, 4 Generals, 2 Extras.
The candidates received their new licenses 2 days later on Monday, October 26 – WOW!
John: Great job everyone!!
ARRL really likes the approach taken as it saves them a lot of paperwork. First in KY to do in-person with this technology, about 7th in entire Country. Another advantage: only needed 6 VEs while the old template method
would have needed 12 VEs.
Lots of ideas on how to do Session better – not a surprise given this was the first time for this method. Will have a Zoom meeting for the VEs to discuss.
Looking for people to make presentations at future meetings: please contact Mike if you would like to present or have suggestions of topics.
New Business:
Club Elections in November. Anybody who is interested in serving as an officer should contact any of the existing officers.
Russell made a donation to the Club: “On The Air” illuminated acrylic sign. Various colors of illumination, push button on base or remote control to illuminate.
Motion to Adjourn by Joel, 2nd by Dennis; Adjourned at 2010. :
Program: RTTY.
Minutes by Andy Rose, Club Secretary