Minutes, December 28, 2021 Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club
Monthly Meeting
Meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May at 1930.
Attendees: 8 members;
• Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Ken Douglass (KY4KD), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Mike
May (KF4FMQ), David Sexton (AE4YM), Andy Rose (KI6SEP), Bill Waldschmidt (W9WA), Chris
Galbreath (KG4UQL)

Previous meeting was November 28, 2021. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via
email) by Dennis, 2nd by David. Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report:
• Starting balance.
• $35 SERA repeater annual renewal (Expense)
• $60 Two renewals under Hardship Membership (Expense)
• $30 One renewal under Youth Membership (Expense)
• Ending balance.

Past Activities Report:
• TALARC D-STAR: Monday, December 6. There were 42 total check-ins including Net Control from
20 states and 1 Canadian Provence. The net began at 8:00 PM ET with Ken (KY4KD) acting as
Net Control. Ken (KY4KD) conducted the net from his home QTH. The Legion announcements
were read by Gene KO4IVI. The “Veterans After Net” was conducted by Gene KO4IVI as well.
The MD Post 275 Special Event station was also announced. (see Appendix for details) The
American Legion hosts around 30 nets. This one has the most check-ins by a big margin.
• Monthly coffee via Zoom: Friday, December 3, 9 A.M.
• No other Club activities were planned for December due to holidays.

Old Business:
• Club dues for 2022 continue to be accepted. In last month, 3 people have renewed and 5
members have not responded to renewal or contact efforts.
o Full Legion members are $30 and can be paid online with a credit card www.legion.org
and click on “Renew”.
o Sons of the American Legion are $20 and can be paid by check.
o Legion Associate Members are $30 and can be paid by check.
All checks should be made out to “The American Legion Post 46” and mailed to Ken:
Ken Douglass
108Chandler Dr.
Danville, KY 40422
• Election of officers + two directors (see last month’s Minutes).
o Secretary: No nominations -> still open

New Business
• Future Activities:
o TALARC D-STAR: Monday, January 3 at 2000. Check-ins over the air on DStar reflector
56C or via Echo Link. Early check-ins start 45 minutes before the Net, i.e. from 1915 on.
Remember you can check in via EchoLink from your computer or smartphone to either
node KY4RW-L or use EchoLink’s search mode on “Danville”. Club members only: Ken
will check you in if you send a text to his cell phone during the net.
o Monthly Coffee via Zoom Friday, January 7, 9 AM.
o VE Session on 1/22/2022 starting at 1000 with set-up before.
o NA QSO party on 1/22/2022 at 1800z (1pm/1300 EST). Dennis will set up a Zoom
• Update on repeater issues during recent weekly check-in, investigated by Doug:
o Technical problem: Doug inspected the repeater and did not find anything wrong.
 Last week was fine.
 Two weeks ago had a few issues.
 Three weeks ago we had to go simplex. Bill: at its worst, repeater would kick in
when somebody started to speak and then dropped out almost immediately
(after a word or even a syllable); Dennis: picket fencing. Mike: The repeater
IDer worked fine and was clean even when the problems were occurring.
o Procedural problem: access to property successful as lock was unchanged. Access to
building was not successful due to lock being changed. This problem now resolved &
building can be accessed.
• New Emergency Manager for Boyle County, Brian Caldwell. Has spoken with Chris who relayed
this to Mike.
• Next Monthly meeting: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 1930, open forum at 1900.

Motion to Adjourn by Chris, 2nd by Bill; Passed by acclimation. Adjourned at 2023.
Minutes respectfully submitted,
Andy Rose
WRARC Secretary
After-meeting Presentation: none